StartNewstickerTipp Oil A company of the future opens a shop inB2B trade

Tipp Oil A company of the future opens a shop inB2B trade

Tipp Oil A company of the future

Tipp Oil A company of the future opens a shop inB2B trade

TIPP OIL Manufacturer for Lubricants

The new webshop in B2B trade, which can be reached at URL on May 29, 2020, offers a diverse range of high-quality lubricants for all areas of application as well as specialized solutions for the e-commerce, industry and consumer sectors. The products can be ordered on individual pallets. Deliveries will be made within a few working days.

Management of TIPP OIL Manufacturer Ltd:
„I am very pleased that the TIPP OIL shop has gone online after intensive work. With our new webshop we want to offer existing and new customers a platform on which they can buy lubricants of the usual quality. The ability to order small quantities , we offer all companies the option of purchasing high-quality lubricants from TIPP OIL online. „

The range of products on offer is to be expanded continuously in the near future. At the same time, the team (Head of Digital Business & eCommerce) works continuously on the technological expansion of the shop architecture, user friendliness and user experience.

Management added: „The rollout of the new shop was an important start for the entire project. In the next expansion stages we will optimize the new digital processes and work on our shop architecture at the same time. It is important to us that our customers have a shopping experience at the highest level and to offer with maximum comfort. „

We offer a private area for traders who benefit from our discounts and special price offers.
As a new customer there is a 10% discount on our product range
Coupon code TIP OIL / Shop2020
The voucher can be used once per trader.
Please specify with every order.

Hersteller der Marke TIPP Oil – Made in Germany –
PKW. LKW-Motorenöle, Allzwecköle für Land- und Baumaschinen, Zweirad-Motorenöle, Zweitakt-Motorenöle, Getriebeöle usw.

TIPP OIL – Schmierstoffe
Anja Klukas
Kamenerstr 16D
59425 Unna


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Laura ist seit Mitte 2015 als Redakteurin und Marketing Manager bei Network tätig. Zuvor machte Sie Ihren Master-Abschluss in BWL mit Schwerpunkt Marketing.

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